Wednesday, November 20, 2013

November 22nd Marks Anniversary of JFK Assassination

November 22nd will mark the 50th anniversary of the assignation of Pres. John F. Kennedy.  As with many major events in our history people are talking this week and remembering where they were when the president was killed.  Just like when the Twin Towers fell on 9-11-2001, we all were frozen for that moment and as the years pass we often stop and reflect on these days.  The older you are, the more of these moments you have to look back on.  All month special programming has aired on television about this event.  Some looking into the many conspiracy theories; some a historical perspective on “What if?”
You may want to take in a couple of these programs as you reflect.
On Nov. 22nd at 9 p.m., NBC will air a two-hour special, hosted by Tom Brokow, called Where Were You?
On Nov. 21 at 7 p.m., the Discovery Channel will air JFK: The Lost Tapes featuring rarely-heard footage of witness testimony, news and radio broadcasts, and police/military communications.

The History Channel will air JFK Assassination: The Definitive Guide, on Nov. 22, at 8 p.m.

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